Personal Conviction

Perception is the enemy of reality

This is what made media control so dangerous.

Since the Mainstream media effectively become the propaganda machine of the demographic party, our perceptions are under the control of the media.

Who is behind the media? Who can make Zuckerberg and Dorsey vehemently censor without fear of punishment? These guys can’t be bought! Did they have some videos made with Mulan in some hotel rooms without them knowing?

Another perception is that we own the money we made. After you pay taxes, the money is yours. The reality is that nothing belongs to us. IRS can take it away overnight through administrative means. But we are given the perception that the money in the bank is always going to be there waiting for us to spend. Even if IRS doesn’t take it, death will come.

So what is stopping us from spending every penny we have as soon as we make it? It is the perception that we own things. That is what keeps us working every day. Ambition drives the world.

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