Personal Conviction

Perception is the enemy of reality

This is what made media control so dangerous.

Since the Mainstream media effectively become the propaganda machine of the demographic party, our perceptions are under the control of the media.

Who is behind the media? Who can make Zuckerberg and Dorsey vehemently censor without fear of punishment? These guys can’t be bought! Did they have some videos made with Mulan in some hotel rooms without them knowing?

Another perception is that we own the money we made. After you pay taxes, the money is yours. The reality is that nothing belongs to us. IRS can take it away overnight through administrative means. But we are given the perception that the money in the bank is always going to be there waiting for us to spend. Even if IRS doesn’t take it, death will come.

So what is stopping us from spending every penny we have as soon as we make it? It is the perception that we own things. That is what keeps us working every day. Ambition drives the world.

Entertainment Personal Conviction

Latest season of Grey’s Anatomy and their lazy writings

I have been following Grey’s Anatomy for the past 4 years. I watch them when they become available on Netflix and I just watch one season at the time.

I never bother following any shows on a weekly basis. The last time I did that was Nip/Tuck and that ended up being a total disappointment.

What I have learned over the years… is that don’t ever do anything on someone else’s schedule. If you have to ever consider doing so, recheck your premise and only proceed if there are appropriate rewards. This goes for TV shows as well. If you can wait until the end of the season release to dictate your own time to watch it, do so. Don’t ever become someone else’s hostage emotionally or physically.

Grey’s Anatomy has always been manufactured drama to me. There are shows out there where the drama arises seems more organic. But for Grey’s anatomy, it has been very contrived lately and where drama only develops for convenience. For example, where Alex Karev going with Izzy is totally out of character. They don’t bother explaining why it happens in a way that is consistent with Alex’s character. Ghosting your wife and just disappear to Iowa has an atopic sense to the whole thing; it is as if Justin Chamber got fired and he is not allowed to collect his stuff from the office and they just fed-ex him the box of his things. I am surprised there is even an episode of voice-over. Must be a contractual obligation as they don’t even have the decency of closing out the character with a proper episode after 16 years. Killing Alex Karev would have been a much more respectable end to his character.

Instead, we got this sorry episode of flashbacks and footage of random 2 kids for full 30 mins of the show with no face of Izzy and Alex. It is pretty much bullshit of an episode. I wonder if Ellen Pompeo is still getting $575,000 for that episode of her sitting there reading the letter for 5 min.

Then, they had to manufacture more drama of Teddy cheating on Owens because they ran out of the drama.

I watch Grey’s Anatomy over the last 4 years because it is such a low stake show. It has been quite lame now. The whole glaring audience manipulation is what gets me to quite Walking Dead.

Maybe it is time for me to get back to work.

Personal Conviction

When and Why should you get married

One lesson I have learn about being a multi-millionaire….


I can only think of one exception to this. If you have to get married.. MARRY UP.

Of course, if you are in a socio-economic situation where getting married has economic benefits, that is a different conversation. But generally speaking, if you are wealthy, there is no reason to get married. While it is possible to get married to someone with comparable wealth, most of the time in realistic lives, there is almost always some degree of financial imbalance.

If you are already wealthy, there is no reason to put your asset in future potential disputes. You can have intimacy, love, or co-habitation without marriage in the 21st century. Entering into a marital contract with more wealth than the other party only put your entire relationship and life at a disadvantage.

Prenups are almost always challenged. While it is better to have one than not… it is also better not to need one. On the other hand, if you get married to a wealthier partner, given that he or she has what you want emotionally and physically, you will have the upper hand in all argument, fights, threat, and alternations as your partner has more to lose when the relationship falls apart.

I would not marry anyone for money, as I am financially independent. However, if a wealthy, hot, young woman finds me so attractive and wants to marry me and she has more money than me, I will have nothing to lose.

Alas, for a wealthy middle age man like myself, it is not realistic.

Sooner I accept this the better.

Personal Conviction

Who am I to write this Blog?

I am a multi-millionaire. I have been a millionaire since age 36. Yet I kept working. Why do I keep working? Because I don’t know what else to do with my time. So I just keep accumulating.

So being a blog that may never be discovered, as I don’t need the $$ anyways, I have no fear of giving away my thought process that gets me to where I am. You can go to all the informercials and self motivating guru seminars, but if you don’t know what is really going on in a millionaire’s head, you will never get there.

See, I have nothing to sell you. I don’t even want fame. This is going to be as anonymous as I can keep it. In time, I hope to have an audience and it will be apparent that I am doing this for fun. I want to be able to share my thoughts freely to the world without repercussion.

So for my credentials: I work in the medical field. I accumulate my first million in age 36 running my own practice started a year ago. I know these days everyone are millionaires… but what I am is a MULTI-millionaire. That too comes in different variety.

I have networth in excess of 30M+. Which does makes me above 99.99% of the world. Of course, if my purpose is to brag, then I wouldn’t have make this blog anonymous. But I am also at a loss. I find myself living no differently than when I was having 10M networth, or even 5M networth.

What do other people at my networth living like? Aren’t you curious what I live like?

Personal Conviction

Hello world!

I have set up many websites since 1998 during the days of GeoCities. Back in the days when the internet is still dialup and through Universities; and when internet porn cannot support anything high resolution.

I have also built through the times of Perl scripts, cgi-bin, c language, and when htm/htmls are designed through notepads. I used Joomla, Mambo, SMF and all the scripts before they fall out of favors. I have done these through the years just for fun and made some side $$ along the way.

That is not how I got rich of course.

So as a rich middle-age man who is bored out of his mind… I am starting this blog to see how long I can go. If not, at least to build a record of my existence rather than emailing notes to myself from my secret email account.

With all the blogs out there, I don’t think mine will stick out. I have always thought blogging is dumb since the beginning. But look at me now.

WordPress always starts with a “Hello World” post that gets spammed by all the spambots. But for the spirit of celebration… I will keep it here.